Siensavanh (Lao Beef Jerky)


RegionSouth-East Asia
Typesnack hors d\'oeuvres
“”Siensavanh,”” combining the Lao word for “”meat”” (“”Seen””) with the word for “”heaven”” (“”savanh””), is a delicious Lao-style beef jerky that is torn apart and eaten with your fingers. This dish pairs perfectly with sticky Lao rice or as part of a bento box.The key to making jerky is to use lean beef. In the past, meat was laid out flat on aluminum foil on a table and dried in the sunlight. By drying it all day, the meat would become dehydrated. This recipe uses Pichitto sheets (desiccant sheets) to prevent spoilage.The dried jerky is lightly fried at the end, resulting in a thin and sweetly flavored finish. It is commonly eaten with Lao sticky rice or a spicy dipping sauce.


Beef (thinly sliced):2.5 pounds
White pepper1 teaspoon
Salt1 teaspoon
Maggi Seasoning external link4 tablespoons
Vegetable oil1/3 cup
White sesame seeds1 tablespoon
Desiccant sheetsReference: Okamoto Pichitto Super external link
  1. Red meat such as pork can be substituted
  2. Chinese tamari soy sauce, or a half-and-half combination of oyster sauce and soy sauce can be substituted.

Cooking one point!

  • If you choose to dry the meat in the sun, there is a risk of spoilage, so it is at your own risk. However, you can reduce the risk by hanging a commercial fish drying net in a well-ventilated place on a cool, dry, and windy day.


  1. Put all the ingredients for the marinade into a bowl.
  2. Add the beef and make sure the slices are completely covered with the marinade. Marinate in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. Lay a Pichitto sheet on a tray or flat plate, arrange the beef slices flat, and cover with another Pichitto sheet.
  4. Place in the refrigerator and dehydrate overnight.
  5. Pour 1/2 inch of vegetable oil into a frying pan.
  6. Deep fry the dehydrated beef from step 4 over medium heat for about 3 minutes.
  7. Sprinkle white sesame seeds and toss to coat.
Reference page (external link)
LAO HEAVENLY BEEF JERKY / jenuine cuisine external link

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